First Bake

2018! New year new set of recipes and techniques to learn!

The first week of the year I got sick from a nasty bug going around at work (and the rest of the world apparently), so I didn’t start my year off with any cooking just yet. This past weekend, I managed to revive Colin and get some kind of baking in. Did I rush? Did the excitement of the new year get to me? Because my first bake was HORRIBLE. Like I’ve lost my touch or something.

I decided to try new ratios from this recipe: High(er) Hydration Sourdough Bread. 

I’m not even sure what went wrong or if I did anything wrong because I actually followed this recipe to a T! Then after finishing off the last loaf and cleaning my cast iron pans, I realized that I used the wrong POT! I wondered why they turned out so flat and the tops were burning.. they probably didn’t have room to grow!
Process: Instructions were easy to follow.
Bake: Took about an hour to bake each loaf. I baked my first one at 4 am, which is probably why I used the wrong cooker to bake the loaves in.
Taste: Tasted great! Nice and sour. Crispy exterior and went great with butter. If only the crumb was more open and airy.

Oh well.. until the next bake.

